Friday 13 January 2012

When I was a young boy...

At the age of 23 and married with a son of 2 years. There was a fire at the house we lived in. No one was hurt. No one but me. My family got out fine but I was trapped inside and got severely burned. My face and arms especially were damaged and when I eventually did manage to crawl my way out of the flames and into the snow I realized I couldn't see. My eyes had been completely destroyed. I was hospitalized and treated. They kept me alive and they were able to fix my arms with skin grafts but my face and eyes were ruined. I became depressed, angry and bitter. Due to my disability and mutilated face I didn't go out much anymore and my wife divorced me. I kept custody of my son though. Well joint anyways he came over on occasion. While I sat like this in my favourite chair feeling wretched and ruined they came to me. I still don't know who they were. A random pair of nests who invited me to become like them. I'm not sure what use they saw in a broken man but apparently they knew what they were doing. It didn't take much coaxing to get me to agree. Once my new life and role were explained to me I came to a realization. This was what I was always meant to be. I was never meant to be like you wretched beings I was meant to be more. A servant of a dark god. My first act of tribute to my new master was to remove the sign of my weakness. I cut off my mutilated face. Leaving just a hole through which they could act as my eyes. My second act was to kill my wife and child. I waited pretending to still be the broken man I had once been till she came to deliver the child. I had bandaged my face then a mask is much more effective. When they arrived I invited her in just for "a quick chat before you leave my life again". She bought it. She followed me into the kitchen while the boy stayed in the living room. I unbandaged my face and let the birds have her. Then I walked into the living room. Birds staring down at my son with hate from the same spot  my eyes had once stared down at him with love. He cried. I wasn't his father anymore. I wasn't his species anymore. He was just food for the Convocation.

You might be wondering why I told you all this.

Well It's because I'm bored. I tracked some of the runners from the bar to this apartment building and I'm waiting to see what they do. Of course I'll be sure to tell you what happens and I won't spare any of the gory details.


  1. And this is what happens when amateur hour launches an attack. Note: schedule a post on detecting and losing a tail. Harder but not impossible when they can scout you from the sky.

    Good thought guys, your initiative will be missed and at least you helped take some of them out before the bastard tracked you down.

    1. I'm sure your kind words will be invaluable to them as I skin them alive. I'll be sure to let them see.

    2. I'd offer them more tangible assistance than my words but I have no idea of where they (or you) are.

      If you ever wind up in my neck of the woods I'll have to experiment with some of my theoretical Nest killing techniques.

  2. They really weren't all that intelligent were they? Oh well just makes things easier for me.

    And yes it doesn't take much but I wouldn't call it being taken advantage of so much as being given a new, better and much more fun lease on life.

  3. You say that now. I wonder what you would have said before the fire..
