Thursday, 3 May 2012

The Grove?

That's not really helpful Harold. Ok so it's a grove somewhere in Europe. Really not helpful.

However I got an invitation

from The Archangel care of Percy Aaron (That was the name of the person released from the hospital)

You are invited to meet with The Archangel for a discussion of your current goal. The master feels religion is the key to your success. This grove is a place of worship. The Brute is powerful there. So is his servant. But worship is religion. We would be powerful there as well. You could be powerful. Do not think yet. Come. Meet. Than decide.

Percy Aaron, Messenger of God.

Well that sounds interesting doesn't it?

The Birds say it would be wise to accept this invitation. The Brute, and by proxy Harold, is getting stronger and I will need help to beat him.


  1. That seems to be the general consensus when it comes to me versus Harold. You and your masters are monsters and we hate you. However, This new guy is worse so we'll root for you for now.

  2. I root for neither in particular, although I gleefully anticipate what's to come :D
